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I was waiting for the bus with the patience of job;  ONE SUNDAY DAY. One day Sunday (after hearing from the speakers of the Church) that you had to make radical decisions in life (die to be born again) decided to go to the sea walking and then began to float;  Suddenly those screaming macabre were heard; they alarmed the population. The sea was healing the wounds, those of the soul would have to wait to be born again. But it was evident that he had a deep inner peace and a smile that opened the doors to a  new world.  an armed stranger appears and takes away the Chain; the clock and a chain.  The offender turns his back and then the victim points him with his gun and tells him still!  .. the robber begs him not to kill him ..!  Then save your weapon and comment ... you were saved because I am a Catholic and a man of faith!
The robber pulls out his weapon again and suddenly receives two deadly shots to the head from a car!
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